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How can I sign into the mobile application?

You can sign in as patient or doctor. You need to first complete the registration process. While registering, Username should be a valid email address. After registration all the notifications will get sent to this mail address.On completion of registration you will receive a verification email with temporary password with which you can login.

I forgot my password. What do I do?

On Login page click on the link “Forgot Password”. Specify your username used at the time of registration and submit. You will receive a email with temporary password with which you can login.

On which email address would I get notified from MyMD system?

You will get notified on email address specified as username at the time of registration.

How can I change my password?

If you have logged into the system using temporary password then system will by default ask you to change password on login. If you have logged in with password which is not temporary then you can change your password from your profile using “Change Password” option.

How can I start a consult?

To start a consult with doctor you will have to first purchase consult package from your account menu. Once you have purchased consults, then in “Home” under “Active” tab you will see a text field where you can type a question and post it. While posting first question your consult will automatically get started.

What type of question can I ask?

You can ask any health related queries. Any text that you post as a question will be considered as question.

How many questions I can ask?

Patient can ask maximum of 3 questions in one consultation session.

What if I ask less than 3 questions?

Once a consult is started you can ask maximum 3 questions. If you ask less than 3 questions still that consult will be exhausted. You cannot carry forward remaining questions for next consult.

Can I select doctor to ask questions?

No. Once you post first question, System will search for the nearest doctor based on your location details and selected doctor will be responsible to answer all 3 questions for that consult.

What is the time period to get answer for the question asked?

Doctor is responsible to answer question within 5 minutes from the time that the question was asked.

How will I know that a doctor has responded to my question?

You will receive a notification once you get a answer from doctor. On click of notification you will be taken to consult details screen if you have already logged in.

What if GPS is not activated on my device? How will the doctor get selected?

If GPS is not activated then you will be shown corresponding message on post of first question and will be asked to activate the GPS system. If you wish to proceed without activating your GPS system, then system will consider your profile address details to trace a doctor.

What if nearest physician is not available?

Question will get forwarded to default physician for that state.

What is duration of one consult session?

One consult session can last for 20 minutes.

How can I schedule appointment with the doctor?

Once you are done with the consultation, you can close consult by clicking on “Close consult” button on the top of active tab. On close of consult, System will display doctor’s practice address location details which can be used to schedule an appointment.

How do I close a consult?

Once you are done with the consultation, you can close consult by clicking on “Close consult” button on the top of active tab.

How can I see closed consult details?

Under closed consult tab click on any of the consult for details. A screen with consult details will be displayed.

What if I do not close consult?

System will automatically close such consults after 20 minutes from the time that consult started.

How can I start another consult if one consult is still active?

You can have only one consult at a time. You have to close current active consult using “Close consult” button. New consult can be started only after the close of previous consult.

Can I delete unwanted consults?

Yes. Click on any of the closed consult. In details screen you will get an option to delete the consult.

Can I mail consult details?

Yes. Click on any of the closed consult. In details screen you will get an option to mail the consult. On click of mail, A email specifying consult details will get sent to email address corresponding to your username.

How will I know about new question asked by patient/s?

You will receive a notification for each question asked by the patient/s. On click of notification you will be taken to consult details screen if you have already logged in.

How can I see closed consult details?

Under closed consult tab click on any of the consult for details. A screen with consult details will be displayed.

What is the duration to answer a question?

You can answer a question in 5 minutes from the time that the question was asked.

What if due to any reason I fail to answer question in specified time?

If it is the first question of the consult then after specified duration that question will get passed to default doctor.

When I tried to login it shows, “You have been deactivated by system for administrator verification”.

In case of any changes to profile in sections General, Taxonomy and License, system will deactivate you for administrator verification. In such case you will not be able to login until administrator activates you.

What is duration of one consult session?

One consult session can last for 20 minutes.

Is NPI mandatory?

By default you will be asked for NPI number to fetch profile details based on NPI.

System will fetch your profile details by requesting to a third party service so that you will not have to enter details manually.

Can I add profile details manually?

Yes. But for first time you will have NPI verification. If system fails to get details by NPI then “Manual fill” option will get enabled for you.

What are the preferences to get paid?

You can opt to get paid by check or payment to your PayPal account.

Will I get paid if I answer only one question in a consult session?

Payment will be based on number of consults supported. So even if you answer single question in one consult session you will get complete payment for that consult.


For furthur assistance please write to us.